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Membership Obligation

Standards of Professional Conduct

Members shall exercise relevant competence in accordance with the institute’s professional standards and qualifications, as underpinned by the membership and the Professional Competence Baseline Framework. Members shall also:

Observe the various requirements of this code at all times, act with integrity in relationships with other professionals, both within and outside the institute, as well as with non-professionals and the wider public, have due regard to public health, safety and the environment; and ensure that they have knowledge and understanding of relevant legislation, regulations and standards and comply with such requirements.

In paragraph ‘Relevant’ means the standard of competence reasonably expected of a member of IPMP when practicing as a project manager, or undertaking other functions in the sphere of project management.

Personal Responsibilities

Members have personal responsibilities which go beyond those immediately implied by their contract with employers or clients. Members should:

Act honestly and promptly and in such a manner to ensure that their client is not misled, offering appropriate professional advice and guidance, and respect the confidentiality of their client information.

Act in the best interests of their employer and clients in all business and professional matters, taking account of the wider public interest concerns and those of any employee or colleague;

Exercise sound judgment and professional discretion to ensure the public interests are safeguarded, and ensure that their professional skills are kept up-to-date and enhanced by continuing professional development (CPD), training and education through the IPMP CPD scheme;

Claim expertise only in areas where their skills and knowledge are demonstrably adequate, declare and appropriately manage all matters which are, or could be construed as, a conflict of interests.

Not give or accept any gifts, payment or inducement of more than nominal value to or from people with a business relationship with employers or clients, nor accept inducements from third parties, and be accurate in reporting and realistic in forecasting, accept responsibility for their actions; and act with due skill, care and diligence

Responsibility to the Profession and to the Institute

Members have a responsibility to promote the profession in the best possible manner at all times. Conduct themselves in such a way as to uphold and enhance the standing and reputation of the profession.

Uphold the values and mission of the institute and behave in a way which enhances the reputation and credibility of themselves, their employer and the institute, and co-operate fully with the institute, and submit promptly any information the institute may reasonably require.

Refrain from ascribing views to, or speaking on behalf of, the institute unless authorised to do so, encourage and assist the professional development of staff and colleagues; and report breaches of this code to the chief executive of the institute

Standards for Ethical Conduct

Professional ethical behavior is about doing things ‚right‛ so that it complies with the norms of ethical behavior and public interest such that it could, if necessary, withstand intense public scrutiny. Project professionals have a duty to report observations or concerns about ethically questionable behavior so that they can be properly investigated and resolved.

Membership Obligation

Duties to pay dues & subscription, attend meetings of the institute, respect the code of ethics of the institute, defend the Name of the institute, and serve a good public image of the institute, attend to conference and any event organized by the institute, do not use the image of the institute for private or personal gain, attend the institute continuous professional’s development three times annually, and ready to serve on the institute mandated, adhoc or steering committee when the need arises

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