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Membership Condition

For admission as an active member, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Agree with the aims of the Institute and be a natural person settled in a Ghana, Africa and beyond.
  2. Hold a position of responsibility, a function, competency or a qualification in the field of project management and its related field, and exercise one’s professional activities in a project management and its related field.
  3. Applicants have to be approved by the membership committee in consultation of the executive board. The board’s decisions on the subject are final.
  4. In any case, at the annual general meeting, the membership director in consultation of the executive board informs members of memberships accepted during the past year.


Membership is lost:

  1. Through death of a natural person or dissolution of a legal entity for whatever reason.
  2. Through resignation. Any member of the institute has the right to resign; to that effect, the interested party should notify the executive director of his decision, giving at least one month’s notice, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
  3. Through exclusion pronounced by the Director of Ethics and Conduct in consultation with the executive board for non-payment of the membership fee, infringement of the present Articles of Institute, or the possible internal rules and regulations, or on serious grounds. The interested party will have been invited, beforehand, to appear before the Ethics Committee to give an explanation. Each IPMP member is subject to disciplinary responsibility under the code of conduct.  In the case of violation of any aspect of the code of conduct, the Director of Ethics & Conduct in consultation with the Executive Board shall impose on a member:
    1. A query (eg. For non-payment of the membership fee, dues, conference fees, attending continuous professional development three times annually, not obeying the POCIP, or IPMP social media platforms regulations)
    1. A suspension (for unauthorized release of information on behalf of IPMP).
    2. In the case of severe violation, the individual membership (person violating the code of conduct) shall automatically be revoked from IPMP membership body and will be notified in written form attached with an explanation of violation that led to the revocation.
    3. The decision to revoke a membership shall be made only by the Director of Ethics & Conduct in consultation with the Executive Board with a majority vote, and the member has one-month ultimatum to file a written complaint for the decision to be revaluated, after which the decision becomes final.
  1. Through loss of one the conditions of admission.
  2. A person whose membership has been lost through the above sections of the code deprives himself or herself of the right of been a member.
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