The Institute Objectives
The Institute of Project Management Professionals shall be established under the laws of the Republic of Ghana by the Company Act 1963 (Act 179) and National Revolution Council Decree 143 with objectives of:
- The representation and the promotion of fundamental research and of applications in the field of project management and its related filed.
- To connect the innovative capacity of project management professionals steps towards self-reliance
- The organisation, assessment, and quality control of project management services in Ghana, African and beyond.
- To provide a platform for project managers, engineers, consultants & team members to share knowledge and contribute to National Development in Ghana, Africa and the World at large
- Research, education, training, information, and consultancy services in project management and its related fields which are of interest to or concern project management.
- To train professionals with skills in expediting by initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria.
- General representation of the professionals in project management and its related field, in particular by sitting within any body in which the interests of project management could be concerned.
- To eliminate the gaps between theory and practice helping to lift Ghana/Africa out of obscurity in areas of project management
- The study of any question and the defense of interests concerning project management or its related field in general.
The exercising of any action, if necessary in a court of law, to ensure the respect of the objectives set out above.
Institute Means
To realise its objectives, the institute shall, in particular, be able to provide or undertake to organise the following activities:
- To associate natural persons or legal entities with competency in or, in a more general manner, an interest in the field of project management and its related field.
- To provoke any form of partnership or of exchange and collaboration in the different fields of project management and related field.
- To promote research, whether fundamental or applied, training or information in the field of project management and, generally, in any field likely to concern project management, in any way possible, and in particular by means of various publications.
- To initiate acquisitions in any group, foundation, institute, which already exists or is to be created and whose purpose is similar, related to or complementary to its own.
- As a general rule, whether on its own account or for that of a third party, to initiate any operation, including sale of products and of services, which could be directly related to the objectives, or likely to facilitate or develop the realisation of these.